Back to Work - what are the barriers and who should you work for?

Needing to re-enter the workforce after a break? It can be daunting to take that first step back and it’s common to second-guess your skills and experience. It’s important to remember, the life skills gained during time away are incredibly valuable and can be so transferable to the workplace.

To make the transition back to work smoother, there are several steps that can help. First and foremost, it’s important to identify your skills, consider the kind of employer you want to work for, determine how many hours you can manage, and reflect on the conditions that would help ease your return. Additionally, it’s crucial to know your “why.” For most, it’s a financial necessity. For others, it might be about seeking social interaction, personal growth, or a sense of belonging within a team.

For the employer

As an employer, there are things you can do to attract and support this group of talented potential employees. Offering flexible hours or a shorter workweek, such as 30 hours, can be incredibly helpful. Scheduling work and team meetings within school hours and ensuring the whole team is supportive will encourage people returning to work to enjoy their roles without feeling like they’re a burden for needing help. It’s also essential to reduce the pressure for returning workers to perform at the same level as others. Onboarding might take longer, and returning employees may need a more tailored framework to help them adjust and feel like they’re progressing.

Sadly, ageism remains a barrier for many, with employers often failing to see the value in the rich life experiences and skills that older workers bring. In today’s workplace, being computer literate is often necessary, even for manual roles. Time sheets, leave requests, and other administrative tasks are usually done online. To help returning employees get on board with these systems, consider using straightforward instructional videos rather than overwhelming new employees with heaps of documents. This not only saves time but ensures consistency in training. These videos are a resource employees can return to if they need help with any part of the role or its procedures.

In a recent survey we conducted at EASI NZ, some common feedback emerged from individuals returning to work. Many felt that employers didn’t fully grasp the challenges of managing a young family. Expectations were often unclear or unrealistic, leading to guilt when they couldn’t manage a healthy work-life balance. Some employees found themselves working late into the night to catch up, while others were rushing around, trying to meet both work and family obligations. Several participants highlighted the value of personal development programs and stressed the importance of having clear communication about expectations from the start.

for the employee

For those preparing to re-enter the workforce, it’s important to ask questions and get clarity on what’s expected. Be honest with yourself and your employer, and look for opportunities that fit your lifestyle. Remember, small steps can lead to bigger opportunities, and building connections within an organisation can open doors to new possibilities. For many, returning to work offers a chance to reset and explore new roles or even new career paths. Starting in an entry-level position with good prospects and training could allow for quick growth, especially if your life skills and past work experiences are recognised and valued.

From an HR perspective, it’s crucial to assess the culture and values of the company you’re applying to. How do they celebrate success? What do employees say about their experience working there? Strong communication is key—whether it’s through regular team meetings, opportunities to give feedback, or performance reviews. A comprehensive job description with clear key performance indicators (KPIs) sets clear expectations and ensures that everyone knows what “good” looks like. This transparency makes for easier conversations if challenges arise.

we can Help!

At EASI NZ, we are passionate about helping businesses find the right fit and equally committed to supporting candidates as they re-enter the workforce. We offer help with CV creation, job searches, and support throughout the recruitment process. Culture and values matter deeply to us, and we take great pride in seeing people thrive in their roles. If you’re a business owner or someone looking to return to work, we’d love to hear from you. Together, we can find the right fit, offer the support needed, and create a pathway for growth that benefits both individuals and businesses alike.


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